The future seems bright for Michigan residents now that they can have a do-over with the Clean Slate Act without the inconveniences of an application process. The new automatic expungement sets aside certain misdemeanors and low-level, non-violent offenses from the...
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A Clean Slate for a cleaner state
Governor Whitmer signed the Clean Slate Act of 2021, allowing Michigan residents to expunge non-violent crimes from their records. It will enable first-time operating while intoxicated (OWI) offenders to clear their driving and public record of any offense. The state...
Automatic expungement: Is my OWI conviction included?
The expungement process involves paperwork and lasts around eight months. But later this year, you might not need to file an application and wait a long time. Michigan’s Automatic Expungement Program aims to automatically remove eligible criminal convictions from the...
What is the Michigan Super Drunk Law?
Most people have had one drink too many on more than one occasion. There is a fine line, however, between a couple of beers and being “super drunk.” There is a good reason the state implemented the ‘Super Drunk’ law. In a review of statistics, most fatal accidents in...
Does alcohol rehabilitation or treatment impact OWI expungement?
The long-term problems a person can face if they are charged and convicted for operating while intoxicated in Michigan are vast. They can lose their driving privileges, face jail time and need to pay hefty fines. In addition, it can be an obstacle later in life with a...
What does a drunk driving expungement really mean?
As a Michigan resident, you may have heard about the state’s recently enacted law that allows a first offense drunk driving conviction to be expunged. While there are many benefits to this new law, it is important to understand what having your drunk driving...
Expungement for drunk driving offenses in Michigan
Being charged with a criminal violation in Michigan has many consequences that can negatively impact a person’s life. From jail time to fines to long-term implications, it is beneficial to try and find workable solutions to these challenges. During the case, that...
OWI Charges Reduced to Traffic Misdemeanor
After causing a traffic accident in Lansing, MI, a client faced OWI charges while recording a blood test of .16. This case appeared to be cut-and-dry; however, Tiffany DeBruin discovered an error in the field sobriety tests that were conducted along with the blood...
Client with Four Previous OWI Convictions Approved for Full Driving Privileges
A client who lives in South Carolina had four prior OWI convictions. He had been abstinent for approximately 20 years. Due to his prior history, he was not originally eligible to request any kind of driving privileges until 2025. There is a little known provision in...
OWI Charge Reduced to Civil Infraction
A 25-year old female was arrested for OWI in Ingham County, MI. She blew .11% on the BAC test. After reviewing the dash camera footage meticulously, attorney DeBruin and the client discussed filing a motion to suppress the arrest for lack of probable cause. Attorney...