Possession Of Schedule I Drugs
Possession of a controlled substance is a serious charge with potentially serious consequences. Charges for possession of a drug classified as a schedule I controlled substance can be punishable by decades in prison and fines of over $10,000. Michigan courts and law enforcement take drug-related crime very seriously. If you’ve been charged with possession of a schedule I controlled substance, it’s important to consult with an experienced Lansing drug possession lawyer as soon as possible.
A conviction could seriously impact your life and your future, so don’t hesitate to contact a dedicated professional who can guide you through the criminal justice process and advocate for your best interest every step of the way.
Michigan Law
According to section 333.7403 of the Michigan Public Health Code, it is illegal to “knowingly or intentionally possess a controlled substance, a controlled substance analog, or a prescription form unless the controlled substance, controlled substance analog, or prescription form was obtained directly from, or pursuant to, a valid prescription.”
In Michigan, controlled substances are organized by the following schedule (the list is not all inclusive):
- Schedule I: Ecstasy, LSD, GHB, heroin
- Schedule II: Oxycodone, morphine, methamphetamine, hydrocodone
- Schedule III: Hydrocodone mixed with aspirin, let alone
- Schedule IV: Valium, Xanax
- Schedule V: Over-the-counter drugs that contain ephedrine or codeine
Those found guilty of possession of a schedule I controlled substance pursuant to section 333.7403 could face:
- Up to life in prison and a fine of up to 1 million dollars for possession of 1000 or more grams of a schedule I narcotic
- Up to 30 years in prison and a fine of up to $500,000 for possession of between 450 and 999 grams of a schedule I narcotic
- Up to 20 years in prison and a fine of up to $250,000 for possession of between 50 and 450 grams of a schedule I narcotic
- Up to four years in prison and a fine of up to $25,000 for possession of less than 50 grams of a schedule I narcotic
Other Consequences Of Possession Of A Schedule I Controlled Substance
The impact of a criminal conviction may not stop with fines and jail time. There are many other possible implications of having a drug-related conviction on your record.
- Background checks – Today, many institutions and organizations run thorough background checks on applicants. This means employers, schools and licensing organizations like the state bar. Having a possession charge on your record, especially if it’s in conjunction with other criminal convictions, could make it impossible for you to pass a background check. The inability to pass a background check could affect your chances of securing employment, being accepted into a university or obtaining a professional license.
- Difficulty renting property – Many applications to lease a house or apartment require you to disclose criminal convictions. Having a drug possession violation on your record could make it hard for you to secure housing.
- Job loss – If your employer has a zero tolerance policy for criminal convictions or drug-related charges, a conviction for drug possession could mean you are out of a job.
- Difficulty securing student aid – If you are convicted of a drug-related offense while receiving federal student aid, your eligibility for further funding may be suspended and you may be required to return any money that was dispersed during a period of ineligibility.
How A Lansing Drug Defense Lawyer Can Help
There are many ways for a criminal conviction involving drugs to follow you into the future. Even if you are only ordered to pay a fine, that fine is a guilty plea, and it could impact you in many ways and for many years. To help you avoid what could be years of stress and negative consequences due to a criminal conviction for possession of a controlled substance, you should contact an experienced criminal defense lawyer to learn about your options for fighting the charges.
An experienced Lansing drug crime lawyer may explore several possible defenses on your behalf, including:
- You didn’t know what the substance was – If you did not know that the substance in question was a controlled substance and you mistakenly believed it to be something else, you could not have knowingly or intentionally been in violation of section 333.7403.
- The substance wasn’t yours – Perhaps someone else actually had or possessed the substance in question.
Contact A Lansing Drug Possession Lawyer
These are just a few of many possible defenses to the possession of schedule I controlled substance and other drug-related charges. To find out more about how a Lansing criminal defense lawyer can help you navigate your unique legal circumstances, contact Tiffany DeBruin with DeBruin Law, PLLC, at 517-731-0353.