Whether you need to make a large purchase, pay off debts, or even make the occasional emergency expense, taking out a personal loan could get you out of a financial pickle. And while it may be tempting to lie about your current salary or employment status to secure...
Confident In The Fight,
Committed To Your Defense
Firm News
Did your medical condition lead your drunk driving charges?
The police almost always assume the worst. So, when you’re pulled over for failing to use a blinker or crossing a center line, the law enforcement officer who confronts you may already think that you’re intoxicated. As a result, you may be subjected to field sobriety...
Do you know how to block the prosecution’s evidence?
Drug charges can quickly threaten to derail your future, which is why you need an aggressive criminal defense, and you need it now. But to build the competent criminal defense strategy that you need to protect your future, you have to take the time to carefully...
Not Guilty Verdict for Domestic Violence Case
Client found not guilty of domestic violence in Grand Rapids, December 2021. The client was charged with domestic violence in Kentwood district court in conjunction with a divorce case between the parties. The complainant alleged that there was a domestic violence...
Driver’s License Secured After Incorrect Conviction
A client with a Michigan driver’s license and CDL was convicted of careless driving causing death in Ohio in 2011. The client’s Michigan driver’s license was going to be suspended for 1 year from their insurance company; however, Tiffany DeBruin discovered an error....
Traffic Violations Reduced for CDL Holder
An Ingham County client with a CDL license was charged with a 6-10 mph speeding ticket and a logbook violation. Tiffany DeBruin reviewed their case to find the best possible outcome. Attorney DeBruin had the client proactively engage in mitigation to explain the...
5-point Violation Reduced to 0-points
A truck driver charged with speeding through a construction zone in Lapeer County resulted in a 5-point violation. Attorney Tiffany DeBruin acted immediately and required the client to engage in proactive countermeasures. Attorney DeBruin worked diligently with her...
OWI Charges Reduced to Traffic Misdemeanor
After causing a traffic accident in Lansing, MI, a client faced OWI charges while recording a blood test of .16. This case appeared to be cut-and-dry; however, Tiffany DeBruin discovered an error in the field sobriety tests that were conducted along with the blood...
Community Service for Probation Violation
A client who initially fled from probation in 2018 asked attorney Tiffany DeBruin for help getting a second chance so that he could legally leave the state. He had already had 2 violations prior to absconding and it was not looking good for the client. Attorney...
5 Charges Reduced to 1 – Eligible for Dismissal
Attorney Tiffany DeBruin successfully negotiated this eventual dismissal on behalf of a Clinton County client with significant substance abuse and mental health issues. The woman was initially charged with two 20-year felonies: delivery/manufacture of methamphetamine...