In Michigan, when a driver is charged with operating while intoxicated or other traffic offenses and they lose their driving privileges, it can significantly impact their life. Not only might it hinder them from their everyday responsibilities, but it can damage their...
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Alcohol Offenses
What must an officer tell a driver before an OWI chemical test?
In Michigan, when a person is accused of intoxicating driving, one of the most important pieces of evidence in the case is the chemical test. This is to determine what was in their system and whether they meet the legal threshold for being intoxicated. Even though the...
Do I need to be sober to restore my driver’s license in Michigan?
After a DUI conviction, your license is going to be suspended for a significant period of time, potentially even years. In fact, your license suspension could last between one and five years depending on the circumstances of your case. That can create a lot of...
What penalties can underage drivers face if caught with alcohol?
Michigan law takes driving under the influence (DUI) very seriously, especially when involving underage drivers. After having multiple drinks, they may lack the driving experience and maturity to control themselves behind the wheel. The law prevents underage drunk...
How might an underage OWI impact my future?
Michigan drivers who are accused of operating while intoxicated will face a series of legal consequences. In addition, this can be damaging to them personally. It is problematic for anyone, but it can be particularly worrisome for those who are under 21. People must...
College students engaging in high-intensity drinking
College is a time when freedom and exploration can cause young adults to make harmful decisions such as substance abuse. Drinking alcohol is becoming a rite of passage for these teenagers and young adults. They drink simply to get drunk. Binge drinking is when an...
Automatic expungement: Is my OWI conviction included?
The expungement process involves paperwork and lasts around eight months. But later this year, you might not need to file an application and wait a long time. Michigan’s Automatic Expungement Program aims to automatically remove eligible criminal convictions from the...
Can I get my OWI set aside if I caused an injury or death?
You already know that drunk driving—that is, operating while intoxicated (OWI)—is illegal in Michigan. You can get an OWI if you are driving under the influence of alcohol and/or your blood-alcohol content (BAC) is 0.08 or greater. An OWI can have a negative effect on...
Does alcohol rehabilitation or treatment impact OWI expungement?
The long-term problems a person can face if they are charged and convicted for operating while intoxicated in Michigan are vast. They can lose their driving privileges, face jail time and need to pay hefty fines. In addition, it can be an obstacle later in life with a...
Out-of-State Client Appeared in Hearings via Zoom on Superdrunk Charge, Which Was Reduced
A client was charged with superdrunk (operating while intoxicated with BAC of over .17) in Eaton County. His BAC was actually .27%. The client is in his early 20’s, lives in Illinois, and was in Michigan for work purposes when he picked up the charge. The client...