Being pulled over for driving under the influence can feel like a pretty hopeless situation – it seems like the law is on the side of the police, who are allowed to ask you to submit to a breath or blood test, and there’s little you feel you can do to argue your...
Confident In The Fight,
Committed To Your Defense
Legal System
Fraud Charges Dismissed For Man At Preliminary Hearing
Being charged with a fraud-related crime in Michigan can have very serious consequences if you are convicted. Not only can these type of charges result in jail time and a mark on your criminal record, the stigma of using deception for financial gain can negatively...
Felony Charges Reduced To A Misdemeanor For 29-Year-Old Man
If you are facing the harsh consequences of criminal charges in Michigan, it is extremely useful to have a skilled defense attorney, like Tiffany DeBruin on your side, who has experience maneuvering through the legal system’s complexities to find the best result...
Felony Drug Charges Reduced For A Medical Marijuana Patient
Despite its legalization for medical purposes, many people in Michigan still find themselves charged with marijuana-related offenses. In these situations, it is always best to consult a capable attorney, who knows the current medical marijuana laws and can help you...
Man Sees Several Felony Drug Charges Dismissed
When you are accused of a crime, it is important to find an attorney with extensive knowledge of the criminal court process to protect your rights. This experience recently aided a man, when he found himself charged with a litany of drug-related offenses including...
4 Steps to Getting Your Michigan Driver’s License Restored
Getting around without a car can be a challenge—especially in Michigan where public transportation options are spotty. If a bus won’t take you to where you need to go, if your family or friends aren’t available to drive you, and if you don’t have extra money for a cab...
Erasing a Criminal Record
Having a criminal record can be a major setback in Michigan, where job applications, professional licenses, landlords, and even employers may ask for your criminal history. But if you’ve been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor, you may be able to get your record...
3 Factors That Influence Eyewitness Accounts
Eyewitness identification is widely recognized as a cause of wrongful convictions in the U.S. and, according to a policy review by The Justice Project, accounts for “more wrongful convictions than all other causes combined.” While eyewitness identification is critical...
New Bill For Protecting Michigan Workers With Medical Marijuana Cards
In Michigan and other states that have legalized the medical use of marijuana, many patients who work for employers with a zero tolerance drug policy often wonder if their treatment might affect their employment. In 2014, these fears became reality for a hi-lo...
Compensation for the Wrongly Convicted
In the US, people wrongly convicted of crimes spend on average fourteen years behind bars before their release. For example, Donya Davis, a 28-year-old from Lansing, MI, was relatively lucky after having to spend only seven years in prison before DNA testing showed...