If you are facing the harsh consequences of criminal charges in Michigan, it is extremely useful to have a skilled defense attorney, like Tiffany DeBruin on your side, who has experience maneuvering through the legal system’s complexities to find the best result possible. Recently, a 29-year-old man’s future looked very grim when he was charged with felony level fleeing and eluding the police. Now faced with a menacing possible five-year prison sentence and the certain loss of his job due to imprisonment and the suspension of his license, this husband and expecting father knew that he would need the help of an extremely capable criminal defense attorney, which led him to Lansing’s DeBruin Law, PLLC.
As a veteran criminal defense lawyer, Tiffany DeBruin reviewed all the available evidence and tenaciously represented her client. Once attorney DeBruin saw apparent weaknesses in the prosecution’s case, she drafted a motion to dismiss based on the fact that the prosecutors failed to produce video evidence of the alleged crime from the police officer’s dashboard camera. Prior to the motion being heard in court, attorney DeBruin leveraged its efficacy to negotiate with the prosecution. Ultimately, these discussions resulted in reducing the charges against her client to a misdemeanor level offense, which would not include jail time or license restrictions. The client took great comfort with this result since it removed the fear of a felony conviction, and with it, the fear of losing his job and most importantly a very lengthy incarceration.
The outcome of an individual case depends on a variety of factors unique to that case. Case results do not guarantee or predict a similar result in any similar or future case.