A client was charged with superdrunk (operating while intoxicated with BAC of over .17) in Eaton County. His BAC was actually .27%. The client is in his early 20’s, lives in Illinois, and was in Michigan for work purposes when he picked up the charge. The client...
Confident In The Fight,
Committed To Your Defense
Alcohol Offenses
OWI Charge Reduced to Civil Infraction
A 25-year old female was arrested for OWI in Ingham County, MI. She blew .11% on the BAC test. After reviewing the dash camera footage meticulously, attorney DeBruin and the client discussed filing a motion to suppress the arrest for lack of probable cause. Attorney...
When Might a Prosecutor Drop OWI Charges?
It’s rare for a prosecutor to drop OWI charges. What’s more common is for the prosecutor to offer an agreement under which you plead guilty to a lesser offense such as reckless driving. But even these so-called “wet reckless” dispositions only occur in cases where...
Can I Refuse a Field Sobriety Test in Michigan?
Field sobriety tests (FSTs) are used by police to analyze your physical and mental capabilities when you are suspected of operating a vehicle while intoxicated (OWI/DUI). When officers ask you to perform one or more FSTs, they are reviewing how you move, whether you...
Criminal Charges from College Football Riots
College sports are an important part of American culture. Competition and inter-school rivalries stir the passions of students, alumni, and fans alike. Often fueled by excessive alcohol consumption, these passions sometimes cross the line and people get rowdy,...
10 Things to Know if You’re Stopped for a DUI
Sometimes it feels like you need a law degree to understand your rights during a DUI stop, but what you’re required to do during a stop is actually limited. The police may want you to think that you have to do everything they say and answer all of their questions, but...
4 Steps to Getting Your Michigan Driver’s License Restored
Getting around without a car can be a challenge—especially in Michigan where public transportation options are spotty. If a bus won’t take you to where you need to go, if your family or friends aren’t available to drive you, and if you don’t have extra money for a cab...
Michigan Super Drunk Penalties
A night out on the town, maybe a few drinks during a Tiger’s game, a few more after the Tiger’s victory, and a decision to drive home while intoxicated could have serious consequences if your blood alcohol content (BAC) is over .17. In October of 2010, Michigan...
College Alcohol and Drug Crimes Increasing
A 31 percent increase in the number of on-campus alcohol violations at the University of Michigan has resulted in a lot of publicity surrounding changes to how the university handles drug and alcohol offenses. The university has attracted attention by attempting to...