Case Results
Shiawassee Client Has Domestic Violence Charges Dismissed At First Pretrial
A client charged with domestic violence in Shiawassee was facing severe consequences for something they did not do. Tiffany DeBruin immediately began looking for avenues of attack to show her client’s innocence. She discussed the situation with her client, contacted...
Jackson County Owi Dismissed After Motion
Our Jackson County client was charged with OWI after a roll-over accident. Tiffany DeBruin immediately began working on the case. She filed a motion to dismiss and during the hearing, attorney DeBruin pointed out the many deficiencies in the officer’s investigation....
Charges Not Issued Against Eaton County Client For Domestic Violence
An Eaton County client's significant other accused him of domestic violence when they had an argument that became physical. Both parties were participating in the argument and throwing things. The significant other tried to destroy some of our client’s property in the...
Dewitt Township OWI with Firearm Possession While Intoxicated Reduced to Fine
One of our clients hit a curb while driving and disabled their vehicle in Dewitt Township. The police came across them and said that they smelled alcohol on our client's breath. Our client is a CPL holder with a firearm in the vehicle and refused the breath test both...
Expungement Granted OWI Conviction
Our client had 2 convictions for alcohol-related driving offenses; impaired driving in 2003 and operating with a high BAC in 2017. With the change in expungement laws he wished to set aside the first conviction. Attorney DeBruin drafted a memorandum in support of the...
Second OWI reduced to minor traffic offense
A client with a prior operating while intoxicated conviction was charged once again with operating while intoxicated in Shiawassee county. The police were called after he had a 1-vehicle accident and was unconscious. Officers had him checked by emergency responders...
Charges Reduced to Non-Abstractable Traffic Misdemeanor in OWI Related Traffic Accident Lansing, MI
After causing a traffic accident in Lansing, MI, our client faced OWI charges while recording a blood test of .16. This case appeared to be cut-and-dry; however, Tiffany DeBruin discovered an error in the field sobriety tests that were conducted along with the blood...
Felony OWI Reduced to Impaired Driving in Clinton County
Our client was originally charged with a 3rd offense felony OWI and had 4 prior OWI charges. Attorney DeBruin diligently reviewed the officers dash camera footage, body camera footage, police report, and concluded that the officer had improperly questioned our client....
Client is a 24yo on probation for home invasion in Clinton County
Was alleged to have assaulted the complaining witness from the underlying charge, sent text messages, entered her apartment and vehicle. Had a full probation violation hearing and all 5 counts of probation violation dismissed after I convinced the judge that the...
23 Year Old client charged with felony larceny and felony unlawful in Clinton County
23yo client who was charged with felony larceny in a building and felony unlawful driving away of an automobile in Clinton County. He made some inculpatory statements to an officer who interrogated him, but after the interrogation, adamantly proclaimed his innocence...